Welcome to Jamestown Charter Township!
We are delighted to be a community which revels in its past, plans for the future, and loves to call Jamestown ‘home.’
Planning Commission Public Notice for April 15, 2025 Meeting
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Jamestown Charter Township Zoning Text Amendment Ordinance had its first reading at a meeting of the Jamestown Charter Township Board held on March 17, 2025 and is scheduled for a second reading on April 21, 2025.
The Zoning Text Amendment Ordinance to the Jamestown Charter Township Zoning Ordinance will amend Chapter 2 – Definitions to add the definition of Event Barns to Section 2.35 and shift subsequent definitions numerically, and will add Section 6.4U – Special Uses, Event Barns to provide for event barns as a special use within the Agricultural Rural Residential Zoning District and establish regulations including a minimum lot area of three acres, one non-illuminated sign, setbacks to another event barn, safety and nuisance regulations, means for conditions, annual renewal reporting, and information required for a site plan application including hours of operation, floor area, height, outdoor storage or display, vehicular traffic and parking, employees, water and sewer supply, number of events per year, maximum capacity, and screening of adjoining properties.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Ordinance has been posted in the office of the Jamestown Charter Township Clerk Jamestown Charter Township Hall, 2380 Riley Street, Hudsonville, Michigan, 49426, (Phone 616-896-8376), and on the Township website at www.twp.jamestown.mi.us.
Dated: March 25, 2025
Candy DeHaan, Clerk
Jamestown Charter Township
Township Board Public Notice for April 21, 2025 Meeting
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Jamestown Charter Township Zoning Text Amendment Ordinance had its first reading at a meeting of the Jamestown Charter Township Board held on March 17, 2025 and is scheduled for a second reading on April 21, 2025.
The Zoning Text Amendment Ordinance to the Jamestown Charter Township Zoning Ordinance will amend Chapter 2 – Definitions to add the definition of Event Barns to Section 2.35 and shift subsequent definitions numerically, and will add Section 6.4U – Special Uses, Event Barns to provide for event barns as a special use within the Agricultural Rural Residential Zoning District and establish regulations including a minimum lot area of three acres, one non-illuminated sign, setbacks to another event barn, safety and nuisance regulations, means for conditions, annual renewal reporting, and information required for a site plan application including hours of operation, floor area, height, outdoor storage or display, vehicular traffic and parking, employees, water and sewer supply, number of events per year, maximum capacity, and screening of adjoining properties.
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Ordinance has been posted in the office of the Jamestown Charter Township Clerk Jamestown Charter Township Hall, 2380 Riley Street, Hudsonville, Michigan, 49426, (Phone 616-896-8376), and on the Township website at www.twp.jamestown.mi.us.
Dated: March 25, 2025
Candy DeHaan, Clerk
Jamestown Charter Township
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Simplify life with Autopay! Available NOW!
With Autopay, our recurring payment program, your quarterly utility payment is automatically drafted from your bank account.
Set up your Utilities Autopay account at the Township Office with Brian or Maureen.
2025-2026 Adopted Budget
Jamestown Charter Township
2380 Riley St.
Hudsonville, MI 49426
Phone: 616-896-8376
Fax: 616-896-7271
Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm